Every Zip Zap class begins with a physical warm-up. This initial activity is not only developmentally appropriate for the age of the child but also serves as an engaging and enjoyable way to kick off each session. The warm-up is designed to stimulate both physical and cognitive development, ensuring that children are ready to participate fully in the class activities that follow. The dynamic nature of this warm-up fosters an environment where children can express themselves freely and joyfully, setting a positive tone for the entire class.
Our ‘Little Zippers’ Warm-up
🤸One of the most remarkable aspects of the Little Zippers warm-up is its ability to build confidence in the children who participate. It is truly fantastic to witness the transformation that occurs each week, as the children become increasingly involved and enthusiastic during the warm-up. Parents and carers frequently share delightful anecdotes about how their little ones reenact our signature “scissor chops” at home, showcasing the impact of the warm-up on their everyday lives. It is one of the great privileges to observe a child’s journey as they build their confidence and stamina through these warm-up exercises, gradually becoming more self-assured and engaged with the activities around them.
🤸The warm-up is meticulously choreographed with age-appropriate stretches and movements that are not only fun but also beneficial for the children's physical development. Each movement is accompanied by descriptive and imaginative language that encourages the child to immerse themselves fully in the experience. This approach not only aids in their physical development but also enhances their ability to visualise and understand the movements, making the warm-up a holistic learning experience.
🤸Children in the early years thrive on repetition. It creates a sense of safety and predictability, allowing them to know what to expect as the warm-up progresses. This familiarity helps them feel secure and encourages them to participate more actively, as they can anticipate the next movement or activity. The comfort of repetition fosters a nurturing environment where children can explore and develop their skills without fear of the unknown.
🤸There is a truly magical moment during the warm-up when the parent or carer can sit back on the mat and watch their child grow in independence, confidence, and focus. Initially, many parents and carers may find themselves guiding their child’s limbs through the Little Zippers warm-ups, but as the weeks progress, it becomes a heartwarming experience to see their child begin to perform the movements independently. This transition is not just a milestone in physical development; it is a priceless moment of growth that reflects the child's increasing autonomy and self-assurance.

Our Baby Zappers Warm-up
👶🏻The Baby Zappers warm-up is the starting point of our baby class and is designed to create a very special bonding moment between the parent or carer and their baby. This warm-up incorporates rhyming language and gentle movements that are inspired by the principles of baby massage. These elements not only promote physical well-being but also enhance emotional connections, making the warm-up a nurturing experience for both the baby and the caregiver.
👶🏽This warm-up provides low-level sensory exposure for the baby; it introduces them to gentle breezes, soothing physical touch, and eye contact with their primary carer. These interactions are crucial as they help the baby feel safe and secure, enabling them to gradually acclimatise to more stimulating sensory experiences that will be introduced later in the class, such as louder music, sensory toys, and various instruments. This careful progression ensures that the baby is comfortable and ready for the more vibrant activities that lie ahead.
👶🏾The repetition of movements and routines in every session is instrumental in building the baby’s memory and recognition of the warm-up choreography. As the baby becomes more familiar with the activities, they begin to associate the warm-up with feelings of joy and comfort. Typically, as the baby grows in confidence, they may start to seek more independence during the warm-up, often crawling off to explore our puppets and interact with them. This behaviour demonstrates their developing understanding of the world around them and their innate desire to mimic and engage with the stimuli they observe.